Tax and Finance Hyperautomation
Recuperação e otimização de tributos, portal de compras, portal do fornecedor e portal de entradas fiscais e não fiscais, com contas a pagar e integração direta no seu ERP.
Tax and Finance Hyperautomation
Tax Recovery and Optimization, Purchasing Portal, Supplier Portal and Tax and Non-Tax Inbound Portal, with Accounts Payable and direct integration to your ERP.
Customers and Partners: more than 300 medium and large companies
Check how we can transform your company's operations from Purchase Requisition to Supplier Payment, with our innovative solutions:
Census tax diagnosis of the last 60 months, in just 2 hours. ECAC management, accessory obligations and much more.
Hyper-automate the complete purchasing process with requisitions, smart quotes, automatic purchase orders, and tax analysis in Purchasing.
Centralize and simplify the relationship with your suppliers. Automatic registration, CNDs and documents up to date.
Inbound and complete processing, up to payment and write-off in your ERP, for more than 30 document types.
Census tax diagnosis of the last 60 months, in just 2 hours. ECAC management, accessory obligations and much more.
Hyper-automate the complete purchasing process with requisitions, smart quotes, automatic purchase orders, and tax analysis in Purchasing.
Centralize and simplify the relationship with your suppliers. Automatic registration, CNDs and documents up to date.
Inbound and complete processing, up to payment and write-off in your ERP, for more than 30 document types.
Optimized management of payroll, termination, vacation, admissions, and intranet.
Automatic posting of credits and debits directly in the ERP.
Automatic consultation of legislation, taxes, and withholdings for an optimized fiscal management.
Automatic payment to suppliers and document reconciliation.
Inbound with classification and handling of 32 types of documents.
Management of accounting and fiscal processes with AI, RPA and Human Intelligence.
Census tax diagnosis of the last 60 months, in just 2 hours. ECAC management, accessory obligations and much more.
Real-time auditing of purchasing and payment processes.
Smart and powerful forms connected to your ERP.
Business rules engine for low-code parameterizations.
Powerful, real-time insights from purchase requisition to payment.
See all solutions
Hyperautomate your purchasing, accounting, tax bookkeeping and accounts payable processes. Tax and financial documents, without human contact!
Robots working simultaneously with agility and efficiency
Artificial Intelligence applied in all processes
Technology and objectivity without risk
Over 3 years of development and R$ 40 million invested in HIGH TECHNOLOGY, with over 170 professionals, including software engineers and tax, fiscal, accounting, and financial specialists.
Tax scenarios for goods and services
Automated account assignments through historical learning
Documents classified and extracted with OCR and NLP, by context
Average accuracy in NFSE data extraction for 5,569 Brazilian municipalities
Recovered in taxes incorrectly paid by our clients
Headcount reduction as of the 3rd month in purchasing, tax and accounts payable
We solve operational and analytical problems, using humans as the exception, which guarantees maximum efficiency, time optimization and traceability that your company needs to scale results.
Our hyperautomation brings together what is most technological and modern to reduce the complexity of tax, accounting, and financial processes. Artificial Intelligence, Robotization, and Machine Learning compose our Hyperautomation offer for end-to-end journeys.
Hyperautomate your companyWith continuous learning capacity, our solutions with Artificial Intelligence deliver high value in replacing manual activities by hyperautomated processes, generating scale, time savings and minimal operational effort. With proprietary technology, developed in Python and operated 100% in cloud GCP (Google Cloud Platform).
Discover the power of AIOur robots are of our own development (Web Scraping) to perform several activities that would be human, such as queries at the Federal Revenue, Simples Nacional, and hundreds of city halls. For many interactions with legacy systems we develop RPA's with the UiPath solution.
Robotize your companyAll of our analysis and data storage capacity contributes to a financial and tax ecosystem, focused on results from the intelligent use and interpretation of information. Our Data Lake is structured in BigQuery in the Google cloud, with hundreds of analytics ready in PowerBI and Looker, available for our customers to consume and create their own views.
Get Powerful InformationOur bank-integrated solutions enable an end-to-end financial strategy, encompassing everything from document entry to invoice payment in a single platform. With proprietary integration via API with Banco do Brasil, Banco Itaú, ABC Brasil, Fitbank and other banks under development.
Learn moreWe are a reference in Brazil in Digital Transformation and Tax Transformation for the most strategic sectors of companies: purchasing, tax, fiscal, accounting, financial (treasury and accounts payable), controller and even audit. Our team specializes in assessment (as is) of these areas and its processes, in addition to mastering the different technologies and ROIT solutions for fast and disruptive construction of new flows (to be).
Discover how to transformOur solutions are fully developed in microservices and micro front-end, which allows us to create a true ecosystem of fast and secure integrations with countless third-party software and services. Your company will have no limits to innovation and data and information management.
Get to know our APIsWe combine the best of Artificial Intelligence, Robotization and Human Intelligence to offer data-rich and extremely strategic tax consulting based on in-depth analysis and maximum agility.
Learn moreExtreme Time Optimization
With our Machine Learning engines, leave all the manual work to us.
We have gathered everything you need to hyperautomate your processes in a fast and strategic way.
Get to know some of our main functionalities:
Documents received by e-mail, Supplier Portal and with automatic download via digital certificate or by integration, using our inbound robots.
Receiving and organizing purchasing and supplier documents can no longer be a challenge for your company.
Everything in a single place. Use our solutions integrated with the main ERPs, Banks, and several other market softwares.
Business rules are alive and need total flexibility to be built and adjusted.
In your company many people, in different areas, receive invoices, bills, slips, and other documents? We have DDA integration, download NFe and CTe directly from the SEFAZ, and also the automatic download of invoices for services taken to more than 700 cities. Our intelligent e-mail treatment performs the automatic split in attachments, treats zipped files and even with password.
Learn moreThe process of purchasing goods and services can generate different types of documents, from contracts, invoices, and receipts to bills of exchange and proof of payment. Our solution automatically classifies 32 document types with an average accuracy of 99.8%, and extracts the data in a structured way! There is a 98% average accuracy for extracting Invoices for Services Taken, for example, for the 5,569 Brazilian municipalities.
Learn moreOur solutions are integrated and approved for SAP B1, ECC, S/4 Hana, Protheus and Oracle NetSuite. In addition to easy communication with banks and more than 100 solutions, such as Excel, Google Drive, ServiceNow, Jira and much more.
Learn moreOur amazing Rules Engine, with Workflow No-Code, allow your company to have hyperautomated flows fully adherent with your rules for validations, approvals, escalations, external calls to other systems, dynamic notices and much more.
Learn moreAutomation gives security in the launches and helps in the organization of taxes, and also charges us to put good professionals to work, well paid and evolved.
We need to talk to the numbers. If we don't understand them, money is lost. Having a tool where this is possible, with variables that present themselves, is very important.
Technology helps and reduces operating cost. Today's world is geared and functions on technology.
The margins are small and the challenges are great. You have to turn the page, and technology helps too, and it comes to help employees be more efficient than they already are.
Official Cash Flow Story Methodology
Our solution supports managers of organizations of all sizes to visualize how the day to day actions impact the success of the strategy developed by the company.
Do you have any questions? Send us a message or schedule a conversation with our experts. Let's work together to promote digital transformation in your company?
Check out what the media is saying about us!
Especialistas alertam para os lobbies empresariais que começaram no Congresso Nacional pela inclusão de seus produtos na lista de exceções à alíquota do novo IVA. Quando maior o número de itens, maior será a alíquota média
Empresário que atende KPMG e Deloitte aponta potencial do Brasil para a tecnologia
Calculadora da consultoria ROIT aponta que só 7% das companhias terão neutralidade tributária ou cenários favoráveis com as mudanças
Conversamos com o consultor tributarista, Lucas Ribeiro, para entender melhor as projeções após a aprovação final da PEC 45/2019, prevista para 2024
Ao penalizar empresas e atividades econômicas que mais empregam, a reforma tributária em tramitação no Senado vai intensificar ainda mais o fenômeno da ‘pejotização’ nas relações de trabalho.
Lucas Ribeiro, da ROIT, um dos principais especialistas em Reforma Tributária no Brasil, adverte para mais complicações e carga tributária no horizonte.
Apesar da divulgada simplificação do sistema tributário nacional, na prática a complexidade não deixará de existir de imediato. Ao contrário, há perspectiva de alguns penduricalhos
Carga será até duas vezes mais pesada para setores que mais geram postos de trabalho
Para indústria, aumento pode ser de mais de 1 ponto percentual; no setor de serviços, quase dobra, com situação pior para empresas de inovação tecnológica, que deverão arcar com 3,5 vezes mais em tributos. Dados são de Lucas Ribeiro, da ROIT
Um dos pontos delicados da Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (PEC) 45/2019 é a ausência no texto da permissão para tomada de créditos de IVA [...]
Considerando CBS de 10% e IBS de 15%, calculadora da consultoria ROIT estima alíquotas reais para diversos setores da economia
A Comissão de Assuntos Econômicos (CAE) realizou a segunda audiência pública [...]
Integrantes do grupo de trabalho da CAE querem dados fiscais anonimizados de todas as empresas do país em 2022
A simplificação do sistema é uma das justificativas mais fortes de quem defende a reforma tributária (PEC 45/ 2019). Mas o novo sistema que se desenha no Congresso será capaz de desfazer o nó jurídico que envolve o sistema atual?
Para indústria, aumento pode ser de mais de 1 ponto percentual; no setor de serviços, quase dobra, com situação pior para empresas de inovação tecnológica, que deverão arcar com 3,5 vezes mais em tributos. Dados são de Lucas Ribeiro, da ROIT
Considerando CBS de 10% e IBS de 15%, calculadora da consultoria ROIT estima alíquotas reais para diversos setores da economia
Integrantes do grupo de trabalho da CAE querem dados fiscais anonimizados de todas as empresas do país em 2022
Transformação digital. A expressão, que se tornou recorrente durante a fase mais aguda da pandemia da Covie-19, quando o isolamento social forçou a aceleração de atividades remotas [...]
A consultoria brasileira Roit, com 200 robôs, conseguiu fazer com que clientes resgatassem R$ 1 bilhão de tributos pagos indevidamente no ano passado, segundo a COO Caroline Souza.
A ROIT, uma empresa de Curitiba especializada em software contábil, anunciou a criação de um conselho consultivo encabeçado por Eduardo Kupper, ex-diretor geral do Inovabra, o hub de inovação do Bradesco.
A Inteligência Artificial como core business é, como você leu, o título deste artigo. E o que queremos dizer com isso? Isto é, como você empresário, executivo, gestor, deve entender essa afirmação?
Segundo a ROIT, seus clientes deixaram de desembolsar R$ 1 bilhão em tributos que seriam pagos sem necessidade
A iniciativa tem como objetivo unir as soluções tecnológicas para contabilidade, gestão fiscal e financeira da [...]
Segundo a ROIT, seus clientes deixaram de desembolsar R$ 1 bilhão em tributos que seriam pagos sem necessidade
Ela é capaz de construir uma organização ágil e inteligente, balizada por dados precisos e seguros.
No Brasil a expectativa é que 40% das receitas venham de processos digitais habilitados por hiperautomação até 2024
Head de Tax & Legal da ROIT, empresa de hiperautomação de gestão contábil e fiscal, explica por que essa opção tributária traz [...]
A solução tecnológica para gestão contábil, fiscal e financeira desenvolvida pela ROIT, acaba de obter uma homologação que [...]
Por meio da inteligência artificial, uma fintech já identificou 200 milhões de reais em impostos que foram cobrados e [...]
Inteligência Artificial e machine learning geram 98% de precisão em cenários tributários e reduzem gargalos [...]
De família de baixa renda, Lucas Ribeiro, 35, gostava de informática e sonhava em ter um computador, que diz ter [...]
Fundador e CEO da ROIT, idealizador de solução hiperautomatizada e presidente da Assespro-PR, Lucas Ribeiro chama [...]
A ROIT acaba de firmar uma importante parceria com a Associação Nacional dos Distribuidores de Insumos Agrícolas e [...]
Equatorial Energia passa a incorporar solução tecnológica do Grupo ROIT na gestão fiscal e financeira, onde [...]
Piloto de Foguete, Trato das Criaturas Mágicas e Rainha dos Deadlines são alguns deles. A ROIT, uma empresa de [...]
Como o home office elimina barreiras, as vagas são para todas as regiões do Brasil. Especializada no atendimento de [...]
A ROIT, fintech especializada em desenvolver soluções com inteligência artificial e RPA para contabilidade, departamento [...]
Baseada no conceito de storytelling, a metodologia australiana Cash Flow Story (CFS) usa estratégias avançadas para [...]
Erros nos processos contábeis prejudicam o desempenho financeiro - e não é exagero dizer que podem levar empresas a [...]
A proposta que o governo de Jair Bolsonaro enviou ao Congresso na última semana deve fazer com que cerca de 50% das [...]
Sua empresa pode ter dinheiro retido na Receita Federal. Há R$ 1,5 trilhão por lá. Por meio de muita tecnologia [...]
A startup paranaense ROIT, que desde 2016 era uma accountech — isto é, especializada na digitalização da contabilidade [...]
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Always be one step ahead. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay on top of market trends and news, events, press appearances, and exclusive content for the purchasing, tax, accounting, and finance areas.
We are a technology company with solutions to hyperautomate the purchasing, fiscal, accounting and financial processes of medium and large companies. We combine artificial intelligence, human intelligence and robotization to simplify and optimize the daily life of organizations.
© 2022 - ROIT S.A. | CNPJ 11.216.711/0001-14